Await an event of creativity and splendor as colors take flight across the coasts of Colombo. Kite flying has been a popular past time that has transcended from generations; each adding flavor and richness to the art of fashioning kites and magnificently flying them across the vast blue skies.
The kite festival focuses on unveiling the creativity of Sri Lankan youngsters and adults, to elevate the concept of a simple kite to a celebrated event of socializing and an arena for expressing each individual’s creativity.
Be mesmerized by the sight of diversity as various sizes, shapes and color soar through the skies; to paint an experience filled with fun and excitement.
Walk the shores of Galle Face, Colombo on the 25th and 26th of August 2012 to engage in the youthful events and to embrace the reminiscing moments of once being young.
By Jeron Daniel
(Sri Lanka Tailormade)